① 普拉达是什么国家的品牌
普拉达(PRADA)是意大利奢侈品牌,由玛丽奥·普拉达于1913年在意大利米兰创建。Miuccia Prada的独特天赋在于对新创意的不懈追求,融合了对知识的好奇心和文化兴趣,从而开辟了先驱之路。她不仅能够预测时尚趋势,更能够引领时尚潮流。
当来季春夏奢华的奢华装饰主义又正来势汹汹之时,Prada设计风格忽然来了个一百八十度大转变-还原为简约舒适风格。的确有一种反潮流与反高潮之感。Miuccia称这个2000年的春夏系列为“时装ABC”,因为她要将衣橱里的常青基本衣服-毛衣、恤衫、简洁的打褶裙、直筒裙和丝巾,重新发扬光大,散发浓厚的七十年代斯文学生和空姐味道的打扮,表现一种今日失落了的真诚之美。这就是Miuccia所讲“这是唯一可能的事物,典雅、好女人、非常时髦”。自七十年代末期,Miuccia 接手掌管了Prada后,也开始加入少许的服装设计。一直到八十年代末期,Prada在大家心目中都还是一个专门出产皮件的意大利品牌。但在九十年代的“崇尚极简”风中,Miuccia所擅长的简洁、冷静设计风格成为了服装的主流,因此经常以“制服”作为发灵感的Prada所设计出的服装更成为极简时尚的代表符号之一。
② 哪有卖正品PRADA的鞋子啊最好能便宜点
Aymara Designers has joined with Cufflinksman.com to create Amazonian Butterfly cufflinks created from the fact butterfly wings. The butterfly wings used using the cufflink era method can be found using the Pilpintuwasi Butterfly Garden, centered in Padre Cocha Iquitos, Peru. The butterflies reside and die generally within a confined sanctuary and their lasting wings are then proced into jewelry. All in the apps are hand-crafted through the use of the 950 Sterling Silver,burberry handbags, as opposed to the common 925. to possess the ability to sustain the prolongation of the quantity of species of Amazonian butterflies,burberry sale, Cufflinksman.com donates a percentage of all proct sales toward the Garden as well as the Amazon Animal Orphanage.
Aymara can be an eco-friendly company dedicated toward the safeguard in the atmosphere as well as the preservation of animals. Aymara proces boutique collections, insuring the continuation of each and every butterfly species through the use of only utilizing resources found in nature. The pattern found in every sole pair of cufflinks varies slightly attributed toward the intricacies of each and every man or ladies butterfly, however maintains identical color variations based on their species. essentially Aymara and Cufflinksman.com labor through the use of what character provides each and every month,burberry kids, harvesting the wings from creatures whose lifestyle span hardly actually exceeds two weeks.
The donation of proct sales is accustomed to can be found throughout an extra species of unusual butterflies, as well as help using the day-to-day upkeep in the garden and orphanage. to the reason that the butterfly's lifestyle span is so short, purchasers possess the celebration to provide the butterflies a procer new transformation-through wearable art. The jewellery collection features species ranging using the Rothschildia Hesperus, Morpho Helenor (also merely identified since the Blue Morpho), toward the Phoebis Argante species. All cufflinks or jewellery buys will help the continuation of each and every butterfly species within their organically proced Peruvian habitat.
Butterfly farms in tropical rainforest places are getting a crucial element in procing a higher knowing of rainforests as well as the telephone call for of the conservation. The Pilpintuwasi Butterfly Garden (PBG) features yr round to refrain from the depredation of butterflies by supplying them sanctuary and attention, and by ecating the online community concerning their lifestyle cycles.
PBG could possibly be the only butterfly farm in Peru, extensive with guided tours to the community. it absolutely was the owner's,burberry online shop, Gudrun Sperrer,burberry sunglasses, aspiration to breed the world's most attractive butterflies and recognize a place in which exotic animals can can be found throughout sanctuary. friends and family toward the Garden are in a location to determine the whole lifestyle cycle of those one of a kind creatures and understand concerning the extraordinary growth of Amazonian butterflies. extra than forty species in one of the most multi-colored butterflies in the Amazon increase at Pilpintuwasi. friends and family know-how the tranquility in the rainforest and so are also subjected toward the many problems the Sanctuary encounters daily-such as troubles with predators and acquiring right host crops for all caterpillar.
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④ 请解释下prada milano这个品牌
Miuccia Prada的独特天赋在于对新创意的不懈追求,融合了对知识的好奇心和文化兴趣,从而开辟了先驱之路。她不仅能够预测时尚趋势,更能够引领时尚潮流。Prada提供男女成衣、皮具、鞋履、眼镜及香水,并提供量身定制服务。
Prada著名设计师Miuccia Prada女士的介绍:
Miuccia Prada不仅是世界顶级奢华品PRADA 的继承人,还是首屈一指的时装设计师。她自1978年开始担纲PRADA的设计,1989年举办了她的首次女装发布,一经推出立刻就引起了轰动。之后,她所设计的男装、女装以及Miu Miu系列每年的两次发布,已成了全球时尚人士不容错过的盛事。
Miuccia Prada每一系列的设计均行走在流行的最前沿。对她来说,设计是个不断尝试和创新的过程,需要有不妥协的探索和实验精神。从这个过程中,诞生了一系列真正创新和令人印象深刻的设计元素,这些最终成为了时尚界的当代经典。
Miuccia Prada说: “或许我有种总想尝试不可能的个性。当我发现有些事是不可实现的,那恰恰就是我要努力的方向。我总是试图把对立的、不和谐的事物融合在一起。并且,我通常 会同时对六、七个不同的概念感兴趣,并试图把它们和谐地表现出来。”
“我们所设计和生产的基本上是当前市场上没有的东西,所以,每一个系列的问世,都经过 了通透的钻研和考查,选用的可能是现代技术,也可能是古老工艺。例如,当我们决定用金箔的时候,我们就要求法国古老的作坊重新采用他们已经停止使用的原始 制作方法。”
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