⑴ 什麼是奴隸
1. 為奴隸主無償勞動而沒有人身自由的人,常被奴隸主任意買賣或殺害
2. 引申為被奴役被壓迫的人。
3. 完全聽從於某種具有支配力量的影響的人;不能自主的人
⑵ 這是什麼傢具啊
淘寶上有的是,查歐式 茶幾,沒多少錢,最便宜的幾百。
⑶ 奴隸的一些用品都是主人的什麼
(1)奴隸是奴隸主會說話的工具。 (2)奴隸是奴隸主的私有財產;在奴隸社會中,奴隸的地位極端低下。
⑷ 傢具中SH是什麼
SH海關編碼 傢具一般9403
W D H 分別表示:
W 寬度 D 深度 H 高度
⑸ GAY里的主是什麼意思啊都可以干什麼啊都可以讓奴做什麼
⑹ 什麼東西算是傢具
沙、 床.....
⑺ バカな奴だ什麼意思
⑻ SM奴是什麼意思
⑼ 阿里根奴是什麼香料
香料介紹:OREGANO,阿里根奴,PIZZA 草
Oregano :
General Description:
Mediterranean Oregano is the dried leaf of Origanum vulgare L., a perennial herb in the mint family. Mexican Oregano is the dried leaf of one of several plants of the Lippia genus.
1,Geographical Sources:
Oregano is grown in California and New Mexico, as well as the Mediterranean region.
2,Traditional Ethnic Uses:
Oregano is the spice that gives pizza its characteristic flavor. It is also usually used in chili powder
3,Taste and Aroma:
Oregano has a pungent odor and flavor. Mexican Oregano is a bit stronger than Mediterranean Oregano.
4,History/Region of Origin:
Mediterranean Oregano was originaly grown extensively in Greece and Italy. Since Greek and Roman times it has been used with meats, fish, vegetables, and as a flavoring for wine. Before World War II, Oregano was almost unknown in the United States. However, its popularity skyrocketed with the popularity of pizza.
5,A Few Ideas to Get You Started:
Oregano tastes great with tomato, egg, or cheese based foods, and is also a great addition to many lamb, pork, and beef main dishes. Try sauteeing aromatic vegetables in olive oil with garlic and Oregano. You can make a savory sauce with melted butter, lemon juice and a bit of Oregano; drizzle it over grilled fish and poultry. An easy way to accent pasta sauces, salad dressings, and ground meat dishes is with a sting of crushed Oregano leaves. To release its flavor, crush Oregano by hand or with a mortar and pestle before using it in your recipes.